Monday, October 4, 2010
Like to be affected by your words when they are sweet, don't like when they are sour..they made my day..
Like to pamper you and like to be pampered as well..
Don't like too much uncertainties, but i dare not ask and clarify..because I'm afraid to know that it's not what i thought..
Don't like to be one of your options, I rather disqualify myself before you make your decision..
I have no right to like or dislike as you are not mine..monday blue blue night..
*music player keep repeating Lee Hom's "需要人陪"*
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I have alot of places want to go with you, so that my diary & photo albums are fulled of you..
I have alot of things want to buy for you, so that your life, your room & wardrobe is filled by me even im not around..
I wish that i could have more time to spend with you..
I wish that i could have more money to spend with you..
I shall work harder to get promoted faster..
I shall save harder to have a better life in future..
I shall be strong and fit enough to carry you to bed when you fall asleep on the sofa while waiting for me to come home from work..=P
life is tough, but i will never give up. Promises are disappointing when it's an empty one, i know but don't worry, i will not give any promise if i do not have confident to make it, just the matter of time..
to be continue.....hungry>.<
Sunday, November 29, 2009
《第一章 – KTV的约会,邂逅在没上班的星期一早晨》
十二点正,乌节路地铁站,敏习惯性的迟到了,智也习惯了她的迟到,无聊的拿起相机随意拍。在拥挤的人潮中,智看见一副熟悉狼狈的脸孔,是敏。“敏:对不起!对不起!对不起!我又迟到了! >.<”。“智:没关系,习惯就好!哈哈!=P”。“敏:Hngh!! >.<”。“智:哈哈!走吧!去哪里啊?怎么走啊?”。“敏:“blek!! 跟着我,别走失了”。人潮不是普通的多,他们俩边走边谈,笑声不断,偶尔还会像情侣般的打情骂俏,不对!! 应该说是哥儿们或姐妹般的吵吵闹闹。
一点正,太阳猛烈的暴晒着,智满身大汗很不耐烦的问道:“怎么还没到?到底在哪里?”,“敏:应该在这附近。”。“敏:就在那边!!走!!”。“智:“XXX KTV”,怎么这里也会有酱的KTV啊?”。“敏:走吧!别让人家久等了”。“智:哦!别人就不用久等,我就要等久久啦??哈哈!”。“敏:嘻嘻。。哪有男人像你那么小器的。”。“智:我有说过我是男人吗?哈哈!”他们俩吵吵闹闹的走上了第二楼,到了“XXX KTV”门口,智推开了玻璃们,里面传来一阵很刺耳的鬼叫声“最爱妳的人是我,你怎么舍得我难过~”,一个长得蛮帅的男生,手里拿着麦克风说道“ 哦!敏!你们到了呀?来来来,这边坐这边坐!这位是就是妳说的朋友吗?怎么长得那么老实啊?哈哈!我叫Hanson,大家都叫我帅哥Handsome,哈哈!你好你好!”智心里着想“他妈的,讲我长得老实,间接想说我长得傻里傻气罢了!$%^&*@。”一脸很亲切的说“帅哥,果然人如其名,怪不得我们的大小姐会看得上啦!哈哈!我是智”。敏的脸变红了,然后很用力的在智的手臂上捏了一下,“智:哎呀!痛痛痛!”,全场人都笑了。除了那位拥有魔鬼歌喉的“帅哥”之外,在场的还有许多帅哥和性感漂亮的美眉,个个都一副很High的样子。过一会儿,有位性感火辣的美眉走过来帮他们倒了两杯啤酒,刚刚走到满身大汗的智口渴的很,咕噜咕噜的把酒喝了大半杯。敏在旁跟“帅哥”聊天,“帅哥”不时还会毛手毛脚,摸敏的手和把手放在敏的大腿上。
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
~ One of The Memorable Days in Ry@n's LIFE ~
* 7am - got up from my bed and get ready for an important appointment.
* 8am - departed from my hse and heading to Tiong Bahru, the train and MRT station were so damn crowded and i was just like a sardin fish in the can all the way to Tiong Bahru.
* 9am - having McD breakfast while waiting for Hunnee (we suppose to meet up at 9am but she was still in the midst of filling up the application form.) lolz.
* 9:30am - finally, she appeared and we're heading to SIA Training Centre.
* 10:15am - we're in SIA Training Centre, we thought that we're gonna be the earliest one but when we got in there......OMG......the room was full of Pretty Guys and Handsome Girls. My heart beat getting faster and my hand started to sweat..XD
* 11am - yeeha~!! I've passed the 1st 168cm tall and weight 72.7kgs..i've lost 2.3kgs..yeeha~!!
* 12pm - It was my turn to go in for the group interview, 1st, 2nd, turn..Good afternoon~ bla bla bla~ bla bla interview ended within 20mins..
* 12:30pm - Result announced....i failed...=.=...sad sad sad..
* 12:45pm - Received a call from Hunnee..全军覆没...
* 1:30pm - Heading back to Tiong Bahru with full of disappointment..we have had our lunch at a Thai Restaurant in TB Plaza with Aunty and Ah bee..the tomyam was extremely hot and spicy..>.<
* 5pm - On the way back home....tired tired....=.=
* 7:30pm - went down to have my dinner..ordered ban mian..after ban mian i went to buy a pack of twisties..SGD1.20!!! so expensive..>.<..feel so guilty after finished eating it within half an hour..from now on, NO MORE junk food and carbs for you mr. Ry@n !!!
* on9 on9 on9 on9
* 10:15pm - Started to write this blog with abit disappointed..abit 不甘心...abit tired...abit sleepy...
* 10:45pm - Finished..SIA see you on 12th December 2009!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
~ 左转是去“梦想之路”,右转是去“现实之路” ~
~ 左转是去“梦想之路”,右转是去“现实之路” ~
至从毕业后,大家的嘴边都常挂着“你在哪家公司做工啊?”“薪水怎么样啊?高吗?”“有什么空头介绍吗?”“最近工作怎么啦”“an cua? ho seh bo 啊?”。。来来去去都是这些话题,难到生活就相等于工作吗?O(>.<)o 怎么大家关心的只有别人的工作? 担心别人的薪水有没有比自己高?而不曾听见有人问我,最近有什么新嗜好啊?有什么好玩的东西吗?几时有空一起去旅行啊?
很多人都说,梦想 = 做梦和想象而已,不能当饭吃。。其实“梦想之路”也不过只是一条普普通通,跟现实之路一样,充满曲折的路而已。。其不一样的地方就在路人的心,选择“梦想之路”的人,心里充满希望和斗志,希望有一天能达成梦想。。选择”现实之路“的人,心里充满怨恨和无奈,希望有一天再会走到分叉路的路口,再有一次机会重新选择。。
Friday, November 20, 2009
他和她結婚整整10年了,夫妻間已經沒有任何衝動與情趣, 他越來越覺得自己對她幾乎就是一種程式與義務, 他開始厭煩起了她,尤其是單位新調進了一個年輕活潑的女孩, 對他發起了瘋狂的進攻,他突然覺得她是自己的第二春,經過再三考慮, 他決定和她離婚。她似乎也麻木了,很平靜地答應了他, 兩個人一起走進了民政部門。
“老公,您辛苦了,這些年也是我冷漠了你。” 她也把自己的那份帳單遞給了他。他打開帳單,只見上面寫著: 一個男人的責任; 兩肩挑起的重擔; 三更半夜的勞累; 四處奔波的匆忙; 無法傾訴的委屈; 留在臉上的滄桑; 七姑八姨的義務; 八上八下的波折; 九優一疵的凡人; 時時對家對子的真情…… 這就是您的丈夫。
~ Good NitezZz ~